Imaturidade nos adultos não é nada engraçadinho...

Psychological Immaturity in Adults

It’s very funny when we see children acting like adults, but what about the opposite?… Why do some adults remain insecure, vulnerable, self-centered, impatient?… I’m not trying to idealize adults, but let’s face it, we cannot avoid noticing certain inappropriate behaviors that do not contribute to the evolution of society,

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Why is sleep so important?

Talking about sleep is talking about the first link in the sequence of the normal psychic formation of the human being. Recognizing sleep and dreams as important elements for mental health is the first step towards understanding various human neuropathologies. According to Sigmund Freud (The Interpretation of Dreams, 1900), dreams

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Why is the psychotherapy setting so important?

The psychotherapy setting is the space where therapy takes place, usually the therapist office or clinic of her private practice. It is the therapist’s responsibility to establish and maintain it, so that the patient can be free to explore their internal world and learn more about themselves, thus developing the

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Children and their emotions deserve respect

Our children should and deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, recognizing their autonomy and validating their experiences and feelings. Françoise Dolto (1908-1988), a renowned French psychoanalyst, dedicated much of her career to studying and understanding children. In her work, she tried to show several innovative and profound ideas

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Psychoanalysis, cure through love.

“Psychoanalysis is, in essence, a love cure.” Said Freud, the father of psychoanalysis in 1895. This important quote captures the central idea in Freudian psychoanalysis: the importance of emotional relationships and the therapeutic bond in the healing process. The relationship between the patient and the analyst (the therapeutic alliance) is

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What is PsychoEmbryology

With the objective of preventing the traumatic marks from birth, Psychoembryology aims to guide parents, with an emphasis on pregnant women, on the importance of a healthy relationship since the baby’s embryonic period. According to clinical reports, the technique, which is based on physiology, biology, genetics, psychoanalysis and creative visualization,

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